Making Wellbeing Accessible

Re-Inventing the ecosystem for women’s health.

Nour doing Yoga. High twisted lunge.

Physical Pillar

we do things the six pillars way

Nutritional Pillar

Emotional Pillar

Medical Pillar

Spiritual Pillar

Social Pillar


Engaged members of the community since January 2023


Female experts involved in the project since January 2023

So... What's our Thing?

  • Healthcare knowledge - both scientific and popular - is growing and being shared more and more through social media and the internet. There is an overload of information out there and it can be overwhelming to filter our what is truthful. Let us do it for you!

    Our experts pick only valuable content and share actionable insights to help you make the right choices for your body.

  • Consumer Health is tremendously growing and people are taking health into their own hands. Is this a good or a bad thing? We believe it is an incredible thing, only if you can leverage these tools in a way that works for you.

    The main reason why people cannot develop healthy habits despite the amount of information given, is because they don’t have the right strategies to fit that knowledge into their lifestyles.

    Ou professionals will sit with you and help you build the right steps to bring you on your long-lasting wellness journey.

    We help you build habits that last and impact.

  • Imagine being able to look at your health at 360° in a tangible and affordable way.

    Well, you won’t need to dream anymore!

    Our team is here to help you look at your health the Six Pillars Way

From Left to Right: Sophie (Yoga Teacher, Founder of ZenziMat) / Jermaine (Personal Trainer) / Giulia (Mobility & Flexibility Expert, Founder of Six Pillars)